Emergency Exit


A Family's Life
Providing housing for women and children, empowering them to endure to the next chapter in their lives.

Overwhelming Support

“I’m so pleased that we will have a place for people who have a real need for a temporary place to stay.” Neighborhood Service Center - Waseca
“ We unanimously add our voice of support to this proposed project” Waseca Ministerial Association
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Vestibulum malesuada eu velit in venenatis. In at turpis sed elit bibendum imperdiet ut in urna orbi urna. Lorem ipsum dolor malesuada eu velit in venenatis nisi. Jose Martinez - Venezuelan Refugee Program
Philanthropic Community
You can make a financial difference for those in need.
Bethlehem Inn is a faith based organization that depends on private donations from individuals, organizations, and grants for its total support.
Your tax deductible donation will directly affect women and children who need a safe, temporary shelter.
Give Today
Main Phone: 507-833-8310
Fax: 507-833-8310
Email: info@bethleheminnwaseca.org